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Get instant quote for translation online

 With the help of this calculator you can save your time and money getting the quote instantly. Please, paste your text to

the field below and press the button Count. The program will count the amount of words. Enter them to the next window

below, choose type of service, subject, source and target languages, choose the right currency and press the button

Calculate in order to obtain the pricing information.

var flag1=(document.getElementById('flag1').checked?"1":"1"); var flag2=(document.getElementById('flag2').checked?"0.81":"1"); var flag3=(document.getElementById('flag3').checked? "60,1":"1"); var flag4=(document.getElementById('flag4').checked? "24.4":"1"); var flag5=(document.getElementById('flag5').checked? "0.63":"1"); if ((document.getElementById('flag1').checked==true)||(document.getElementById('flag2').checked==true) ||(document.getElementById('flag3').checked==true)||(document.getElementById('flag4').checked==true)||(document.getElementById('flag5').checked==true)) { var result = (document.getElementById('translating1').value*1*document.getElementById('discount').value*1*document.getElementById('field').value*1*document.getElementById('number').value*0.06)* flag1*flag2*flag3*flag4*flag5; } else var result=0; changeResult(result); } -->

Пожалуйста, введите количество слов

Choose a type of service

Choose a subject

Choose source language

Choose target language

Choose a discount

American dollar
Britisn Pound

Choose your favorite currency and press the word "Calculate" below.


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