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 What is localization?

 Localization is the translation of the product plus converting it linguistically and culturally to be appropriate to the target

culture. The simplest example of localization is converting inches into centimeters the translation. For software localizing I

use Passolo program, this is rather good assistant.

 What the additional information should I give when ordering a translation?

 In order to complete the translation to the highest possible standard, I would appreciate if you could provide me with the

information on your company or product, the purpose of the translation and its target audience. This will help me to

produce quality translation relevant for your required


 What is TM, CAT or TB?

 Translation memory (TM) is a database of segments – sentences or sentence-like units that have been trabslated by a

translator. They can be integrated into some software programs, which are called Computer-assisted translation (CAT).

Obtaining a versatile translation memories is not only a pride also a large benefit for every translator. Terminology

bases (TB) contain single words or few words to desribe the field-specialized terms. Using auto translation usually is

completely unnaceptable, while using CAT and TB is a professional and progressive approach, these tools are meant to

help translator reaching the best quality.

 What file formats can I send you?

 I accept text formats and graphic files, please, look the details here . Php sites can be translated too, yet by the reasons

of safety I don't accept php format files anonymously.

 Can you translate uncompleted texts?

 Sometimes I am asked to start translating unfinished texts that customers plan to revise later. It’s OK, when it’s parts

aren’t closely connected with the rest, otherwise it’s better to complete your project, which would save your money and

save me from extra worries for missteps.

 What will happen after I pay for my order?

 I will start working on your project and you will receive your translation finished within the agreed time frame.

 What happens if I am not completely satisfied?

 After receiving your translation, you have 5 days during which you can contact me. I will re-work it for best quality.

 How long will it take to receive my translation?

 Be sure that I will do everything possible meet your needs. Yet it also depends on the text and the volume of the required


I have emailed my translation text, when will I hear back?

 I respond my customers daily, even on weekends and holidays.

 How about my personal details?

 I don’t disclosure any personal data, even being permitted so. I don’t disclosure confidential information being, which was

trusted to me. With me you are safe, as your translation is to be viewed not by the team of people, but only me personally!

Have no worries! One person – one's responsibility.

Can I get a discount if I need translation to be done on the clear, yet, not perfect level?

 Alas, no! If you are limited in the cost I will try to give you a bit larger discount, perhaps, you will have to wait a bit longer.

Still you'll be delivered the quality translation.

 I need to translate documents to Russian and don’t know the spelling of my name to Russian.

 Usually there are few possible variants to suggest, you can chose what suits you the best!  Do you have other questions?

Write me! I will be glad to reply you!

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