Legal terminology is used not only in professional environment, it covers
rather a broad area of use, that's why lots of translators face the necessity to
study law and it's language.
The match of lexical legal terminolgy not always
means that right determination to be found, because country legal systems
differ from one another. As well it worth to note the difficulty of
polysemanticism – multiply meanings of terms.
While it is expected that
monosemy (uniqueness of the terminolgy, its independency on the context)
characterizes legal translation, quite often
translators face to deal with
polysemantic terminology, i.e. this is the situation when the meaning of each
term is possible to clear only context-dependently. It means the necessity to
study the term in its broad meaning, at that considering to which kind of legal
system it belongs to and its specialist
area, i.e. to which concrete field the legal text belongs: Business&Contacts, Insurance, International Law, etc. Afterwards
the chosen term is necessary to check carefully for matching its meaning
within contextually determined meaning.
Writting a legal translation is necessary to use highly specialized dictionaries and glossaries, which good translators
work up and save from their previous jobs. Thats why the experince plays so important role for sucessful fulfilment of
translation projects.
My experience includes not only translations of certificates,
Terms&Conditions and Contracts
and Agreements,
it also includes legal controverses. There are full-time employed lawyers, which I used
to collaboarate
with. Being able to discuss the terminology with practising lawyers helps me to actualize it. After all the main goal of
translation is the achivement of adequateness.